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TOSKOVIC Company® - MADRID, España
TOSKOVIC CONSULTING is a company that engages in business investment and consulting.
The company, at the request of clients, operates in multiple European countries.
Associates Consulting TOSKOVIC the experience gained in large multinational companies and represent the biggest asset of the company. They are professionally committed to the interests of clients in various industries, and always lead to the specific needs and trends.
TOSKOVIC CONSULTING is a company that is rapidly expanding and adapting.
TOSKOVIC CONSULTING is a company that provides consulting and PR. We offer a wide range of business and advisory services, in multiple European countries. We use a wide network of contacts that would have identified promising projects in which to invest, reliable company, business partners and investors. We are able to adapt to the specific needs of our clients, providing benefits to all.
TOSKOVIC CONSULTING always achieves results - either through phone contact, a business meeting or through the media support - because we know how they work and the institutions and their employees. By applying our experiences and knowledge we have about companies, business people, government institutions ... we are able to provide contact with decision makers and thus influence their view of your company and access to the business relationship.
Depending on the client's interests, TOSKOVIC CONSULTING identify those who should be contacted and the type of message that should be sent to them. Depending on the wishes of the customer, we can overcome the current limits of the strategy of direct representation and to build the necessary support that leads to solutions.
When creating a business plan and performance in the market, TOSKOVIC CONSULTING is your consultant and advises you on how to proceed in the negotiations, using, to the full extent, even the knowledge of local cultures. We know who to contact, and with a proven means of access, fully represent the interests of your company, always and everywhere. All our abilities and different range of services that we provide, adapting to your needs and specific interests.
Our business is your business. The aim of TOSKOVIC CONSULTING is to help you succeed.
To achieve this goal, we have developed a consulting methodology that meets the needs of customers in specific markets. What we offer is the expansion of our international connections, monitoring and a complete guide to all business processes in the international markets and provide a sophisticated strategy to address all the challenges of business in other markets. We understand the power of information and how it affects the decision-making process, making business connections, fundraising, marketing, decision-making and operational success of the whole mission.
The second segment of our services means to plan and manage complex projects. In this work, we engage professionals with great international experience.
Support when purchasing - using a variety of proven tools for analyzing costs and their phased deployment during the investment cycle, we are in a position to offer support program - including the management of all relevant data - to institutions and the market.
TOSKOVIC CONSULTING can help you. We have a professional and logistics experience, capabilities and resources needed to do the job - for all types of applications and all stages of the production cycle.
Business Plan - A company that wants to attract foreign investors must have a business plan. It is the business card of your company. Foreign investors are beginning to show an interest, but the next step is to meet with the business plan.
And there, TOSKOVIC CONSULTING can help you.
Feasibility Study - Feasibility study is designed to detect whether a business is feasible or not. The study answers questions like:
"Will business succeed or not" and "whether it will be profitable." This is an essential first step before you spend money and time on making detailed plans.
TOSKOVIC CONSULTING makes sure that your money is not wasted and offers the necessary information, ideas for business, critical analysis, market analysis, research resources, analyzes the financial viability and scope of investment. Part of it is the analysis and comparison of the value of market activity in the country, recognizing the growing segments and opportunities in each industry sector and identify promising projects.
Project Financing - Fast growing businesses and companies that want to invest in further growth and acquisitions are not always able to fund from its own resources. Similarly, managers who are thinking about buying or those who want to sell their businesses, do not have the instruments to do it the right away. They need to secure financing from external sources.
TOSKOVIC CONSULTING helps you locate the various financing options, understand the risks, but also to provide the right solution for the current situation. We work with various institutional investors.
Foreign trade services:
Presentation of the company - We are running and we advise the client at every stage of business development, including the establishment of the system. We advise business clients in the initial phase as well as the necessary documentation for starting work. We can help you with the contract on purchase companies abroad or about any other investment, as well as in the protection of competition.
Support in negotiations - TOSKOVIC CONSULTING provides essential information for negotiating and leading partners during the negotiations, participating with them in every stage of the negotiations.
TOSKOVIC CONSULTING can help companies during the conquest of new markets, to bring the negotiations to a successful end, show the profitability of different projects - private or public.
It is important for investors, but also for countries that are looking for investors, as this provide funds for further economic development and progress.
TOSKOVIC CONSULTING plays an important role in overcoming the economic, geographic and cultural diversity, which is an increasing challenge for companies that want to invest in other markets.
Be a part of our successful team!
TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING je kompanija koja se bavi poslovnim investicijama i konsaltingom. 
Kompanija, na zahtev klijenata, posluje u mnogim evropskim zemljama. 
Saradnici TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTINGA su radno iskustvo sticali u velikim multinacionalnim kompanijama i predstavljaju najveće bogatstvo kompanije. Oni su profesionalno posvećeni interesima klijenata u različitim privrednim granama i uvek se vode specifičnim potrebama i trendovima. TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING  je kompanija koja se brzo širi i prilagođava. 
TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING je kompanija koja se bavi konsaltingom i PR-om. Nudimo širok asortiman poslovnih i savetodavnih usluga, na internacionalnim tržištima. Koristimo razvijenu mrežu kontakata da bi smo identifikovali perspektivne i projekte u koje treba ulagati, pouzdane kompanije, poslovne partnere i investitore.
U stanju smo da se prilagodimo specifičnim potrebama naših klijenata, obezbeđujući korist svima.
TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING uvek ostvaruje rezultate – bilo putem telefonskog kontakta, poslovnog sastanka ili kroz medijsku podršku – jer poznajemo način na koji rade i funkcionišu institucije i njihovi zaposleni. Primenjujući sopstvena iskustva i znanje kojim raspolažemo o kompanijama, poslovnim ljudima, državnim institucijama… u stanju smo da obezbedimo kontakt sa onima koji odlučuju i da tako utičemo na njihov pogled na Vašu kompaniju i pristup poslovnom odnosu.
U zavisnosti od interesa klijenta, TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING identifikuje one koje treba kontaktirati i vrstu poruke koju im treba poslati.
U zavisnosti od želja klijenata, možemo i da prevaziđemo postojeće granice strategije direktnog zastupanja i da izgradimo svu neophodnu podršku koja vodi do rešenja.
Prilikom izrade poslovnog plana i nastupa na tržištu, TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING Vam je konsultant i savetuje Vas kako da postupate u pregovorima, koristeći pri tome, u punoj meri, znanje čak i o lokalnim kulturama. Znamo koga da kontaktiramo, a sa već dokazanim načinom pristupa, potpuno zastupamo interese Vaše kompanije, uvek i svuda. Sve naše sposobnosti i različit opseg usluga koje pružamo, prilagođavamo Vašim potrebama i specifičnim interesima.
Naš posao je Vaš biznis. Cilj TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING-a je da Vam pomogne da uspete. 
Da bismo ostvarii taj cilj, razvili smo konsalting metodologiju koja zadovoljava sve potrebe klijenata na specifičnim tržištima.
Ono što Vam nudimo jeste širenje Vaših međunarodnih veza, praćenje i potpuni vodič za sve poslovne procese na međunarodnim tržištima i obezbeđujemo sofisticiranu strategiju za rešavanje svih izazova poslovanja na drugim tržištima. Razumemo moć informacije i to kako ona utiče na proces donošenja odluka, stvaranje poslovnih veza, prikupljanje sredstava, marketing, donošenje operativnih odluka i uspeh cele misije. 
Drugi segment naših usluga podrazumeva pomoć prilikom planiranja i upravljanja složenim projektima. U tom delu, angažujemo profesionalce sa velikim međunarodnim iskustvom.
Podrška prilikom kupovine - Koristeći razna dokazana sredstva za analizu troškova i njihovo fazno raspoređivanje tokom investicionog ciklusa, u poziciji smo da Vam ponudimo program podrške – uključujući upravljanje svim relevantnim podacima – prema institucijama i prema tržištu. TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING može da Vam pomogne. Imamo stručno i logističko iskustvo, mogućnosti i sredstva potrebna za obavljanje posla – za sve vrste programa i sve faze proizvodnog ciklusa.
Biznis Plan - Kompanija koja želi da privuče strane investitore mora da poseduje biznis plan. To je vizit karta Vaše kompanije. Strani investitori u početku pokazuju interes, ali sledeći korak je upoznavanje sa biznis planom i tu TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING može da Vam pomogne.
Studija izvodljivosti - Studija izvodljivosti je kreirana tako da otkrije da li je neki posao izvodljiv ili ne. Studija odgovara na pitanja poput: "hoće li posao uspeti ili ne" i "da li će biti profitabilan". To je najvažniji prvi korak pre nego što potrošite novac i vreme na izradu detaljnijih planova. 
TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING vodi računa o tome da Vaš novac ne bude potrošen uzalud i nudi Vam potrebne podatke, ideje za posao, kritičke analize, analize tržišta, istražuje resurse, analizira finansijsku održivost i obim investiranja. Deo toga je analiza vrednosti i upoređivanje aktivnosti na tržištu u zemlji, prepoznavanje rastućih segmenata i mogućnosti u svakom industrijskom sektoru i identifikovanje perspektivnih projekata.
Finansiranje projekata - Brzo rastući poslovi i kompanije koje žele da ulažu u dalji rast i akvizicije nisu uvek u mogućnosti da to finansiraju iz sopstvenih izvora. Slično tome, menadžeri koji razmišljaju o kupovini ili oni koji žele da prodaju svoj biznis, nemaju instrumente da to odmah i učine. Oni moraju da obezbede finansiranje iz spoljnih izvora. TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING Vam pomaže u pronalaženju različitih finansijskih opcija, razumevanju rizika, ali i da obezbedite pravo rešenje za trenutnu situaciju.
Radimo sa različitim institucionalnim investitorima.
Spoljnotrgovinske usluge:
Predstavljanje Kompanije - Mi vodimo i savetujemo klijenta u svakoj fazi poslovnog razvoja, uključujući i formiranje sistema. Možemo preporučiti poslovne klijente u inicijalnoj fazi kao i neophodnu dokumentaciju za počinjanje posla. Možemo i da Vam pomognemo oko ugovora o kupovini kompanija u inostranstvu ili oko bilo kojeg drugog ulaganja, kao i kod zaštite od konkurencije.
Podrška u pregovorima - TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING obezbeđuje ključne informacije za pregovore i vodi partnera tokom pregovora, učestvujući sa njim u svakoj fazi pregovora.
TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING može da pomogne kompanijama prilikom osvajanja novih tržišta, da dovede pregovore do uspešnog kraja, pokaže isplativost različitih projekata – privatnih ili državnih.
To je važno za investitore, ali i za države koje su u potrazi za investitorima, jer time obezbeđuju sredstva za dalji ekonomski razvoj i napredak. 
TOŠKOVIĆ KONSALTING igra važnu ulogu i u prevazilaženju ekonomskih, geografskih i kulturnih razlika, što je sve veći izazov za kompanije koje žele da ulažu na druga tržišta.
Budite i Vi deo našeg uspešnog tima!
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