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Demand business investment - companies that are on sale! TOSKOVIC Company®
The company TOSKOVIC Real Estate Business Investments & Consulting Company - TOSKOVIC ESPAÑA established in Madrid grew and developed in the company of large companies from all over Spain, Europe and beyond. His efforts, policy, sound ideas and good business communication has created around himself a number of successful clients, business associates and maintained the possibility for daily making new business contacts and the ability to market various business projects on the European and world markets.
The favorable geographical position of countries in the Balkans, the desire for good neighborly relations and good links with the neighboring countries and beyond, have led to business associates of TOSKOVIC Real Estate Business Investments & Consulting Company - TOSKOVIC ESPAÑA, who live and work outside the area, have an interest and business interest in investing in these particular countries.
This is interpreted as a favorable business climate for foreign investors, and is therefore very important for the development of the entire region to take advantage of a favorable moment for bringing foreign investors - investors. The interest of our clients is diverse.
In this connection, the call is open to all businesses in Serbia, Slovenia, Croatian and other countries in the region, to establish contact with our company come to the realization of the sale of his company - plant - manufacturing plant.
For us is to prepare the sales facility and do a presentation to foreign clients who are specially selected as directly interested in the economic area in which the company is sold. The presentation of such a project company TOSKOVIC Real Estate Business Investments & Consulting Company - TOSKOVIC ESPAÑA highlights the quality and capacity of the same, benefits from the available resources in order to attract a larger number of clients for the interest in this particular project.
-Machine industry,
-Machine equipment for construction,
-Building industry,
-Automotive suppliers,
-ELECTRONIC industry,
-Measurement of energy and technology processes,
-Laboratory-company production and testing of medical drugs,
-IT Sector - Software,
-Service sector,
-Protection of the environment ...
-Jobs about solar energy ... (and also other forms of energy)
-Medical Equipment
-Pharmaceutical industry
For many years a successful business cooperation and a large number of contacts across Europe to our company gives you the right to businessmen from Serbia and countries in the region support, contact and realization of business ideas relating to the presentation and marketing company headquartered in any Balkan country, bringing foreign investors and the sales of existing companies - factories. After achieving sales of the possibility of achieving business contacts for the revival of other new business projects - new modern investment.
Our long-standing definition of "Be a part of our successful team", the long-term because business is based on the turnover of capital which is inevitable because we provide quality business ideas for investment and business expansion with a positive balance.
For any questions contact Us!
With all the respect,
Fundador y Director de la TOSKOVIC Company®
TOSKOVIC Company® - MADRID, España
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«TOSKOVIC Real Estate Business Investments & Consulting Company»
Potražnja poslovnih investicija - kompanija koje su na prodaju!
Kompanija TOSKOVIC Real Estate Business Investments & Consulting Company - TOSKOVIC ESPAÑA osnovana u Madridu rasla je i razvijala se u društvu velikih kompanija iz cele Španije, Evrope i šire. Svojim zalaganjem, poslovnom politikom, zdravim idejama i pozitivnom poslovnom komunikacijom stvorila je oko sebe veliki broj uspešnih klijenata, poslovnih saradnika i ostvarila mogućnost za svakodnevno ostvarivanje novih poslovnih kontakata i mogućnost plasiranja raznih poslovnih projekata na evropsko i svetsko tržište.
Povoljan geografski položaj zemalja na Balkanu, želja za dobrosusedskim odnosima i dobra veza sa zemljama u okruženju i šire, dovele su do toga da poslovni saradnici kompanije TOSKOVIC Real Estate Business Investments & Consulting Company - TOSKOVIC ESPAÑA, koji žive i rade van tog područja, imaju zainteresovanost i poslovni interes za ulaganje u baš te zemlje.
To se tumači kao povoljna poslovna klima za ulaganje stranih investitora, pa je zato vrlo značajno za razvoj čitavog regiona iskoristiti povoljan momenat za dovodjenje stranih ulagača - investitora. Zainteresovanost naših klijenata je raznovrsna.
S tim u vezi otvoren je poziv svim privrednicima iz Srbije, Slovenije, Hrvatske i ostalih zemalja u regionu, da ostvarivanjem kontakta sa našom kompanijom dodju do realizacije prodaje svoje kompanije - fabrike - proizvodnog pogona.
Na nama je da izvršimo pripremu prodajnog objekta i uradimo prezentaciju inostranim klijentima koji su specijalno odabrani kao direktno zainteresovani za privrednu oblast u kojoj je kompanija koja se prodaje. Prezentacijom takvog projekta kompanija TOSKOVIC Real Estate Business Investments & Consulting Company - TOSKOVIC ESPAÑA ističe kvalitete i kapacitete iste, koristi sva pozitivna raspoloživa sredstva u cilju privlačenja što većeg broja klijenata za zainteresovanost za baš taj projekat.
-Mašinstvo-mašinska industrija,
-Građevinarstvo-gradjevinska industrija,
-Auto industrija-utomotive dobavljači,
-Elektronska industrija,
-Medicinska industrija,
-Farmaceutska industrija
-Prehrambena industrija,
-Merenje energije i tehnika procesa,
-Laboratorije hemijske industrije,
-IT sektor - softver industrija,
-Zaštita životne sredine...
Dugi niz godina uspešne poslovne saradnje i veliki broj kontakata širom Evrope našoj kompaniji daje za pravo da privrednicima iz Srbije i zemalja u regionu pruži podršku, kontakt i ostvarivanje poslovne ideje koja se odnosi na prezentaciju i prodaju kompanija sa sedištem u bilo kojoj balkanskoj zemlji, dovodjenje stranih ulagača i realizaciju prodaje već postojeće kompanije - fabrike. Nakon ostvarivanja prodaje pruža se mogućnost ostvarivanja poslovnih kontakata za oživljavanje drugih novih poslovnih projekata - novo savremeno ulaganje.
Naša dugogodišnja definicija "Budite i Vi deo našeg uspešnog tima" je dugoročna jer se poslovanje zasniva na obrtu kapitala koji je neminovan zato što pružamo usluge kvalitetnih poslovnih ideja za ulaganje i proširenje biznisa sa pozitivnim bilansom.
Za sva eventualna pitanja stojimo Vam na raspolaganju!
S poštovanjem,
TOSKOVIC Company® - MADRID, España
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«TD Company®»
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«TOSKOVIC Real Estate Business Investments & Consulting Company»
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